Rūnanga School

Kia ora koutou and welcome to Rūnanga School

We are a friendly, semi-rural school just 8km north of Greymouth. We are a well resourced school that offers a safe, caring learning environment for children from Year 1-Year 8.

At Rūnanga School we believe that healthy, nurturing relationships are the foundation for all learning. We aim to provide opportunities that suit all kinds of learners and we embrace diversity. Our teaching approaches are a balanced blend of direct instruction, inquiry and play based learning. We use digital technologies where appropriate but focus on developing social, physical and intellectual skills in ways that engage the learner with a developmentally suitable approach.

We are an inclusive school that uses PB4L strategies. We strive to improve relationships between staff, students, parents and the community in a way that enhances the hauora of all.

Rūnanga school is a KidsCan school and has the “Fruit in Schools” programme. So no matter what time of the year, every child has fresh fruit every day. We also have "Lunch in Schools Programme" which provides a variety of healthy hot meals and sandwiches at no cost to families. We belong to the Duffy Book programme and promote reading by children, with children and to children, every day. 

Students at Rūnanga School follow the PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) philosophy. Our values; "We Learn, We Care, We Show Respect" are embedded into the school culture.

Rūnanga School is part of a hard-working and supportive community who volunteer their time to provide adult help when they can. 

Feel free to visit at anytime and see for yourself what a caring and exciting school Rūnanga School is.

Noho ora mai,


Our Vision

Loving to Learn, Learning for Life

School Events Calendar

School Office Hours   Monday - Friday 8.30am - 2.45pm